Kaushal Kishor Sharma

Software Engineer | Python Developer

Email: kaushalworkss@gmail.com

Phone: +91-8003293018

Web: shkaushal.github.io

About Me

Hi, My name is Kaushal Kishor Sharma. I’m a Software Engineer, currently working at IBM. I aim to create a better experience for people and enhancing their lives by enabling intelligent technologies. I have graduated with a B.Tech in CSE from PDPM Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design & Manufacturing, Jabalpur in May 2021.

I am most skilled in Python and Django


Test Your Knowledge

Django-based quizzing application

A quiz application developed in Django where users can register and login to select where they are given to choose from different subjects for which they can attempt the available quizzes and test their knowledge. The frontend is developed using Bootstrap

Movie Recommendation

Recommends movie based on their plot/genre

Developed a Machine Learning model using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic modelling architecture to get movie recommendation based on movie plot and finds movies with the similar plot. Dataset of over 35,000 movie plots have been used. Script is written in Python


Android Application for real-time detection of wild animals.

Developed an IoT based system to detect leopards using Custom Object Detection from live video feed and an Android app for alerting the members of IIITDM Jabalpur. The app is developed in Java and database used for authentication and storing data is Firebase.


Web-app based Bus Booking Portal for IIIT Jabalpur.

The back end of the app is developed in PHP while for front end HTML, CSS and Bootstrap have been used. This project was developed as a semester-end project for Database Management Systems course for the members of the institute.



Software Engineer

July 2021 - Present

I am working here as a Software Engineer in the MQ team.

I am working on diagnosing data dumps, troubleshooting and debugging complex solutions to determine a course of action, recommend and document solutions.

Also, I have started using React components with Carbon Design System to build interactive user interfaces. Carbon Design is a UI library created by IBM.

Mindfire Solutions

Software Engineer Intern

January 2021 - June 2021

I worked here as a Python/Django developer.

Here, we followed Agile based SDLC to deliver high performance applications to clients and develop software functionalities and user-interfaces using Python’s Django Framework. I worked on developing the backend and designing templates for various projects.

MPPT Co. Ltd.

Web Development Intern

August 2020 - May 2021

I worked as a Web Development Intern in Django at Madhya Pradesh Power Transmission Co. Ltd.

Here, I spent most of my time developing and maintaining webpages in Django that uses machine learning model to forecast the load required at a certain time block in Madhya Pradesh. Also I manage the database using PostgreSQL. I enjoy learning about all areas of our application but mostly the backend.

Coding Elements


May 2019 - July 2019

During my summer training at Coding Element, Delhi; I learned about new frameworks like ReactJS and NodeJS for managing the frontend and backend of a web application respectively. I also gained experience of working with and managing SQL and NoSQL databases like PostgreSQL and Firestore and learnt some cloud functions to manipulate the data.

Coding Blocks


May 2019 - July 2019

During my summer training at Coding Blocks, Delhi; I learned about different Data Structures such as Linked-Lists, Trees, Graphs etc. Here, I spent most of the time solving problems based on Sorting, Searching, Greedy Algorithms and Dynamic Programming.



2017 - 2021

I have completed my udergraduation with B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering from PDPM Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design & Manufacturing, Jabalpur. I have worked in the fields of Software Development, Web Development and Machine Learning, gaining knowledge and enhancing my skills.